7. Bayun Errors

Following are the errors thrown by the Bayun SDK, along with a description for each error.

  • ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED - If user access is denied(authentication token expires) or if user does not have right to perform certain operation, library returns BayunErrorAccessDenied.
  • ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION - If there is no internet connectivity, library returns BayunErrorInternetConnection.
  • ERROR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - If request has timed out, library returns BayunErrorRequestTimeOut.
  • ERROR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_SERVER - If Lockbox Management Server could not be reached, library returns BayunErrorCouldNotConnectToServer.
  • ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILED - If encryption fails, library returns BayunErrorEncryptionFailed.
  • ERROR_DECRYPTION_FAILED - If decryption fails, library returns BayunErrorDecryptionFailed.
  • ERROR_INVALID_PASSPHRASE - If passphrase is invalid, library returns BayunErrorInvalidPassphrase.
  • ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD - If password is invalid, library returns BayunErrorInvalidPassword.
  • ERROR_PASSPHRASE_CANNOT_BE_NULL - If passphrase for validation is null, library returns BayunErrorPassphraseCannotBeNull.
  • ERROR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS - If credentials are invalid, library returns BayunErrorInvalidCredentials.
  • ERROR_CREDENTIALS_CANNOT_BE_NULL - If credentials for authentication are null, library returns BayunErrorCredentialsCannotBeNull.
  • ERROR_USER_INACTIVE - If employee Status is Inactive, library returns BayunErrorUserInActive.
  • ERROR_APP_NOT_LINKED - If app is not linked with Employee Account, library returns BayunErrorAppNotLinked.
  • ERROR_INVALID_APP_ID - If app id is invalid, library returns BayunErrorInvalidAppId.
  • ERROR_SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG - If error is unknown, library returns BayunErrorSomethingWentWrong.
  • ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED - If user authentication fails, library returns BayunErrorAuthenticationFailed.
  • ERROR_TEXT_CANNOT_BE_NULL - If text for encryption/decryption is null, library returns BayunErrorTextCannotBeNull.
  • ERROR_DATA_CANNOT_BE_NULL - If data for encryption/decryption is null, library returns BayunErrorDataCannotBeNull.
  • ERROR_FILE_CANNOT_BE_NULL - If file for encryption/decryption is null, library returns BayunErrorFileCannotBeNull
  • ERROR_COMPANY_CANNOT_BE_NULL - If CompanyName is null, library returns BayunErrorCompanyNameCannotBeNull.
  • ERROR_INVALID_COMPANY_NAME - If company name is invalid, library returns BayunErrorInvalidCompanyName.
  • ERROR_COMPANY_EMPLOYEE_ID_CANNOT_BE_NULL - If CompanyEmployeeId is null, library returns BayunErrorCompanyEmployeeIdCannotBeNull.
  • ERROR_GROUP_ID_CANNOT_BE_NULL - If GroupId is null, library returns BayunErrorGroupIdCannotBeNull.
  • ERROR_EMPLOYEE_DOESNT_EXIST - If the employee does not exists, library returns BayunErrorEmployeeDoesNotExist.
  • ERROR_INVALID_GROUP_ID - If groupId does not exists for GroupId, library returns BayunErrorGroupDoesNotExistsForGroupId.
  • ERROR_EMPLOYEE_DOESNT_BELONG_TO_GROUP - If employee does not belong to Group, library returns BayunErrorGroupDoesNotExistForGroupId.
  • ERROR_MEMBER_EXISTS_IN_GROUP - If member already exists in the Group, library returns BayunErrorMemberAlreadyExistsInGroup.
  • ERROR_CANNOT_JOIN_PRIVATE_GROUP - If member tries to join private in the Group, library returns BayunErrorCannotJoinPrivateGroup.
  • ERROR_GROUP_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_NULL - If no group type is specified when creating a new group, library returns BayunGroupTypeCannotBeNull.
  • ERROR_NO_INPUT_JSON -If no json hashmap is specified, library returns BayunErrorNoInputJSON .
  • ERROR_NO_KEY_FORMAT_HASHMAP - If no key format hashmap is specified, library returns BayunErrorNoKeyFormatHashmap.
  • ERROR_DEVICE_PASSCODE_NOT_SET - If the device has no screen lock enabled, library returns BayunErrorDevicePasscodeNotSet. Locked screen is required for SDK to work.
  • ERROR_REAUTHENTICATION_NEEDED - If it's needed for the user to be authenticated again, library returns BayunErrorLoginNeeded.
  • ERROR_DEVICE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED - If device locked screen authentication is cancelled by the user, library throws BayunErrorDeviceAuthenticationRequired.
  • ERROR_AT_LEAST_THREE_ANSWERS_REQUIRED - If user answers less than Three security questions, library returns BayunErrorAtleastThreeAnswersRequired.
  • ERROR_INCORRECT_ANSWERS - If user has provided wrong answers for more than Two out of Five security questions, library returns BayunErrorIncorrectAnswers.
  • ERROR_COMBINING_PARTS - If the SDK is unable to reproduce the userPrivateKey, from it's part, then SDK throws this error.
  • ERROR_DUPLICATE_ENTRY_CREATED - If the user is trying to create a duplicate entry in DB, SDK throws BayunErrorDuplicateEntry.
  • ERROR_EMPLOYEE_NOT_EXISTS - If autoCreate is disabled and the entered employee doesn't exist, SDK returns BayunErrorEmployeeDoesNotExistsInGivenCompany.
  • ERROR_COMPANY_NOT_EXISTS - If autoCreate is disabled and the entered company doesn't exist, SDK returns BayunErrorCompanyDoesNotExist.
  • ERROR_INVALID_APP_SECRET - If the app secret provided is invalid, the SDK returns BayunErrorInvalidAppSecret.

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